Turf-Aire Rental/Residential Aerator
Bishop Enterprises Inc

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Contact Bishop Enterprieses, Inc
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See the product review
of the PRO-AIRE

Built for the stringent demand of the rental market, priced just right for the homeowner.

From rental companies to residential use, the Turf-Aire Rental/Residential Coring Aerator is versatile, durable, easy to use, and can be shipped by UPS. The Rental/Residential Aerator is a tow aerator, and is light enough to be pulled with a residential lawn tractor. Weight is easily added for tougher soil conditions. Priced for the homeowner, the Turf-Aire Rental/Residential Aerator will pay for itself in 2 - 3 years (compared to the cost of renting).

The innovative design of the Turf-Aire aerator by Bishop Enterprises, Inc. is what makes the Turf-Aire Coring Aerator so unique. Each of tine wheels turn independently for a short turning radius, and reducing stress on the equipment. Unlike spike aerators that actually compacts soil, the Turf-Aire Rental/Residential Aerator pulls a true core up to 4 inches deep, allowing your lawn to release gasses, and loosens the soil so water and nutrients are able to penetrate down to the roots. The Turf-Aire Rental/Residential Aerator comes with 6 tines per wheel giving you a total of 30 tines, as oppose to other models that has 4 tines per wheel, giving you more holes per square inch. The Turf-Aire Rental/Residential Aerator will last a homeowner a life time.*

The Rental/Residential Aerator comes with tow hitch and wheel kit.

Pro-Aire Rental with Lawn Tractor

User Price
135 lbs

Price does not include shipping.
Please call 615-233-5173 for freight charges
Prices are based on current manufacturing costs.
Also please visit ebay for pricing: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320744467195&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT.


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Prices are current as of Aug 2011. Subject to change without notice. Pricing does not include shipping or additional costs.

Bishop Enterprises Inc.
3926 Barfield Crescent Rd, Murfreesboro,TN 37128
* Depth can vary depending on soil conditions. Based on normal use. Wearable items such as tines will need to be replaced as needed depending on use, care, and soil conditions.